Chapter 226: The Adventurer, The Cultivator's Second Meeting_3

At this moment, tiny sprouts of flesh were stealthily growing from the broken surface of his arm, as if they were trying to help Yu Liang regain his left hand.

As they grew, they immediately displaced the arm made of clay-meat.

Mid-air, this clay-meat arm quickly hardened, turning into a mud sculpture by the time it fell to the ground, breaking into numerous hard clumps of soil.

Li Huazhao glanced at his hollow left arm and the tiny nubs of meat appearing on it, feeling a shock.


What's this, you're regrowing an arm in the middle of our fight?

Is everything a lie?

The situation also caused a moment of bewilderment in the monster, even its movements paused. It hadn't expected such a thing to happen.

What's wrong with this human?

Is he a Gecko?

Escaping by cutting off his own arm?

Li Huazhao looked at his broken hand on the ground and then at the monster in front of him. He quickly stuffed the spear in his inventory and ran backward.

This is absurd.