Chapter 226 What is a true nurturer! _3

For a moment, the adventurer felt an overwhelming urge to complain about innumerable things.

He looked at the human-shaped creature in front of him, standing at a height of two and a half meters with muscular well-built physique and whirled muscles, and listening to the continuous sound of "Ola", he couldn't tell who was the monster.

He had no clear feeling when he first met, but now he realized how terrifying this human-shaped creature was.

In the battle, all the muscles of Li Huazhao bulged, stretching his tight clothes even tighter, perfectly outlining his muscular shape.

It was not about large chunks of muscle intentionally worked out by Western bodybuilders, but normal aesthetic muscle lines. However, due to the current height of Li Huazhao, his muscles still appeared substantial.