Chapter 237: The Little Fairy Lady Who Became Immortal by Pushing Cautiousness to Its Extreme_2

So, what is space?

A place where objects move and exist?

A measure of the difference in position between objects?

Or a collection of certain things?

Or are all these the superficial appearances of things?

He suddenly felt his prior understanding of this professional ability was somewhat simplistic.

The connotation of the question suddenly took on both scientific and philosophical concepts.

Although he knows this sounds like a distortion of reasoning, why does it make so much sense?

"So, you can freely manipulate your Daoist Mansion, including causing it to explode?" Lu Mingzhe asked, "So why didn't Fairy Lady Lin do that before?"

If the previous Fairy Lady had manipulated the Daoist Mansion like that on the fourteenth floor, they and the adventurer probably wouldn't have had any chance of winning.