Chapter 244 Daoist Mansion and Room 225_3

"This is the key word that runs throughout the diary, but apart from that, there isn't much useful information.

The locals understand less about these strange tales than the players do, and apart from their first-hand experiences, it's hard for them to provide any useful analysis.

When encountering these inexplicable occurrences, many people would want to document them. After all, no one knows if they will survive, and recording what's happening with words may be the last mark a person can leave.

"Do you know what the copper basin by the bed in the main building's apartments is for?" Yu Liang asked, a question he'd been wondering about.

"Copper basin? What copper basin?" The clown replied in surprise.

"Huh?" Yu Liang frowned slightly, suddenly feeling that something was off.

Right, it seemed that he hadn't seen this thing in the rooms of the other apartment buildings around him. It looked like the copper basin was only in the main building.