Chapter 254: The Land of Scarlet and Biological Tools_3

Something akin to flesh and blood and white bone made up the entire room. In the corner of the walls, some tumor-like protrusions were arranged, these protrusions were emitting a faint glow, providing a stable light source for this nursery.

About ten minutes later, Yu Liang felt a surge in body vitality, so he sat up, took out a small knife from the item bar, cut off the umbilical cord, and then stood up.

The egg fluid dripped from his body unendingly, and without hesitation, he cleaned himself by casting a "bath" character charm on his body.

After taking out a set of common clothes from the item bar and putting them on, Yu Liang felt as if he was completely rejuvenated.

This time the horror copy of his consciousness was injected into this egg-born man, allowing him to control the body of the egg-born man to explore.

The good news is that even after swapping bodies, he could still use the mutation abilities of his profession, his four bars remained intact.