Chapter 257 - Didn't Run Away, but Came Instead!_3

There was a small hole, half a person high, burrowed by a monster. Just now, a monster had crawled into that hole, escaping from the fortress.

There's more of them.

Yu Liang felt a sense of tension in his chest. He only caught a glimpse of a tail, but he was sure he hadn't misinterpreted it.

The tail was slender and agile, not like that of a lion or a tiger, but thicker at the base and tapering off towards the end.

However, the tail did not seem to be made up of flesh and blood, but rather, it looked like a cluster of black skeletal pieces, covered in barbs and bone protrusions.

Tails are used for balance, and a tail of such thickness suggested a large body size for the monster.

He estimated it to be at least as big as a human, if not bigger and more robust.

If a human was unarmed and had to face a beast weighing a third of his body weight, the human would certainly be at risk, let alone a monster that might be larger than him.