Chapter 262: Are There Foreign Server Players Here?!_2

Although there was some delay at first, once the rhythm was mastered, instructions could be issued in advance to the rear cars. This made the steps much more coordinated, making the entire vehicle move as if it were all one person.

Well, it technically was all one person.

From afar, this human flesh train looked like a phalanx soldier from the world of Pokémon, though it seemed like a realistic, slightly horrifying game mod had been added.

"Ready - Run!"

Li Huazhao shouted in the vastness of space, and then, issuing commands within his mind, he increased the pace of the crew and ran towards the three-story building from which they had originally come.

Before long, this locomotive of flesh had reached its destination. Li Huazhao led the odd-shaped men behind him, walking a full circle around the altar, with his eyes eventually settling on the numerous eyes in the dome above.

After a brief moment of thought, no, without a single thought, a new idea sprouted in Li Huazhao's mind.