Chapter 264 The Whole World is Learning Mandarin~

"Can you speak Chinese, please?"

Li Huazhao racked his brain, finally squeezing out a suitable sentence in English.

This sentence was buried deep in Old Du's memory, labelled by him as the "all-purpose English sentence". Li Huazhao fully understood its meaning, and it was enough to keep him going in this bizarre world.

Of course, if you guys can't speak Chinese, then I'm sorry, don't blame heartless old Grandpa Hua here.

Li Huazhao narrowed his eyes slightly, the ruthless look shimmering in his pale grey irises. Li Huazhao was not known for his kindness in his travels, when it came to tough situations, he could be even colder and more ruthless than Old Du.

So, at this point, he had already thought of ways to deal with these foreign server players.

He wanted to round up every single one of those stubborn guys who refused to learn Chinese, and set up an intensive Chinese course, to achieve the goal of "the whole world learning Mandarin".