Chapter 266: The Homework Copying Alliance, Officially Established!_2

His gaze turned resolute, but his inspiration came not from himself, but from something he once received from the Masked Man.

Reproduction hormones.

These hormones could stimulate reproduction and even eliminate reproductive isolation. Wouldn't they be perfect for the flesh and blood civilization?

Isn't the problem here that they can't reproduce?

With reproduction hormones, let them reproduce!

Although Li Huazhao was unsure, he felt that these hormones should be useful, right?

Yu Liang should have some, but he didn't know if Yu had brought them into the ghost tale copy.

Because the Masked Man had warned him, Yu Liang was extremely careful about preserving these reproduction hormones, fearing that Li Huazhao would misuse them.

The Masked Man also warned that if they were misused, there could be unpredictable consequences. If the reproduction hormones were leaked, all animal species on Earth would lose their reproductive isolation, leading to chaos.