Chapter 271: The Whistle Beast Evolves into a Human_3

No, it can't be considered as devolution.

This should be considered evolution.

Although Yu Liang didn't know where this feeling came from, he did feel it, these whistle beasts were evolving towards being "human".


They want to become human?

When Yu Liang's inner voice echoed in his mind, he suddenly noticed the locked character charm on the page violently trembling.

To be precise, it was the golden "Zhi" character that was shaking, causing fluctuations with the other character charms.

This shake of the window seemed to be knocking on Yu Liang:

I can hear you, I can hear you!

Yu Liang then tried to pacify this fragile ghost story in his mind, stating he had no such thoughts.

A few whistle beasts moved toward the giant's skull through the wind and sand, but not long after their bodies were severely eroded, the outer scale armor became ragged and the umbrella-like membrane shrank tightly.