Chapter 272 Blade Storm Pro (Flashing Soul Scream Edition)

Someone who can summon so many creatures of urban legends...

What profession could they be?

Even though Lee isn't a mutation professional, most of the players he deals with are. Therefore, he'd gathered and summarized some characteristics of different professions.

There are some professions that are incredibly powerful just after experiencing mutation, such as athletes, fitness instructors, or boxing coaches. Their natural physical bonuses allow them to dominate in T4 tier matches.

They rely mostly on their physical strength and don't need extensive development to have impressive power.

Lee referred to them as "body cultivators". Comparatively speaking, there aren't many people in these professions in real life, but many in the world of urban legends. This was due to their higher survival rate in early stages of dungeon exploration than developmental professions.

Their fast speed and physical resilience were extremely useful even in a mystic dungeon.