Chapter 274: Biological Computer and Burrow_2

It was strange that although the advanced whistle beasts had outperformed the primitive whistle beasts in physical strength, fighting abilities, and intelligence, their status was lesser.

This felt like...

Taking care of my elderly, senile father?

The comparison was odd, but that was how Yu Liang felt.

He hadn't expected this Whistle Beast Clan to uphold the principle of respecting the elderly and caring for the young so strongly.

Given that the whistle beasts had extremely keen hearing, Li Huazhao didn't dare to explore too deeply; he simply ascertained the situation and returned.

The advanced whistle beast they had just encountered in the upper space was probably a scout, exploring the unknown territory.

Of course, Yu Liang remembered that an elite force from the Whistle Beast Clan was digging tunnels towards the direction of the giant skull.

Now is the perfect opportunity for a raid.