Chapter 278: The Whistle Beast is actually my Descendant!_2

Yu Liang directly addressed him in Chinese: "Outside, there's an advanced whistle beast. Within its body, a high-intelligence human-shaped species emerged. It tried to extract all the knowledge left by the flesh and blood civilization through this biological computer but then it died."

"Hmm?" Lee produced a puzzled sound from his nose. Seeing Yu Liang's mouth moving, he looked surprised and quickly wrote, "You can talk now?"

"Yes, the high-intelligence human-shaped species endowed me with a tongue so it could better learn Chinese pronunciation from me," Yu Liang continued. As these pieces of information were not critical, he didn't hesitate to divulge them.

If he were to withhold anything, it might provoke hostility among the players present and that would ruin everything.

The current situation within the pioneering book was clear: whoever took up a position against the people would be in deep trouble.