Chapter 284: Yu Liang's Official Protection Umbrella

Gene weapons!

Acute infectious diseases!

Picking on me, a simple-minded, physically fit hunter!

As he criticized the flesh and blood tactics of this copy as thuggish, Li Huazhao quickly retreated along the same path.

If the battle were all about physical strength and pure hand-to-hand combat by splitting physical abilities fairly, he'd dominate everyone with his swift attacks.

But who could he fight under these circumstances?

Should he let Lu Jie shrink his body and then take on the virus?


No kidding, no kidding at all.

Li Huazhao's eyes brightened, as if he had thought of some magical way to play, his heart pounded with excitement.

What does Ant Man in the supernatural world mean!

But then he fell deep into thought.

Using Lu Jie requires eye contact, but obviously, the naked eye cannot see viruses.

So does he need to find a microscope in the supernatural world?