Chapter 290: The Spacecraft of the Flesh and Blood Civilization

"You just mentioned that the native people had to retreat due to an emergency, right?" Yu Liang didn't want to abandon a reliable teammate, but didn't wish to tempt Lee to follow him by promising draw-card opportunities either. Therefore, he began to elucidate the situation from the beginning in an attempt to subtly persuade Lee.

Lee nodded in confirmation.

"So, they must have come across something that the two of them couldn't handle." Yu Liang continued, "Like encountering a Root Strange Tale."

Lee nodded again.

"They must be struggling to cope, which makes this a great opportunity, right?" Yu Liang suggested, trying to coax Lee to rationality, to make him realize what he should do next.

In a show of sudden revelation, Lee wrote, "We seize this chance, while the Root Strange Tale and the natives are away, to bring back the other players and draw the Grass Baby Blind Box!"

Yu Liang: "..."

He looked at Lee and Lee looked back at him.