Chapter 291: I Know What the Root of the Weird Tales Is!’

Yu Liang quickly ran towards the direction of the whistle sound, while throwing two papermen, each carrying the "break" and "burn" character charm, towards Lee.

He did not follow Lee's command to inspect the dead bodies with him.

Because the Bubble Shield has a time limit of one hour, and after this hour, he can be infected with the virus and die at any time.

Even now, he might be carrying the virus, it's just that the virus remains on the surface of his body, unable to invade and infect him temporarily.

Whether Lee's body was discovered by the native people was not important, because sooner or later, the native people would discover the signs of an "alien" invasion here, and Yu Liang couldn't prevent this.

What's more important is that the whistle beasts started a fight with something else on a higher layer, and he definitely needed to join this fight.