Chapter 294: Hunters Have Not Only Knives, But Also Guns.

Flames covered Primitive No. 268's entire body, with countless blood vessels spreading out from his back. There were the main blood vessels and their branches, like a tree stripped of everything but its branches.

The skulls suspended from the main branches of the blood vessels on his back were the fruits.

Seven bald heads!

Some were terrified, some were helpless, some resigned, some tense. These bald heads, each with their own expressions, emitted a crimson glow under the fire's illumination.

From Yu Liang's perspective, the Primitive at present seemed like a fallen god trapped in the demon realm, integrating divinity, compassion, and evil.

This creature was now his opponent.

Yu Liang took a deep breath and pulled two toasted papermen into the cosmos.

He checked on the available character charms in the cosmos, as some had already been used up in previous battles.