Chapter 294 Hunters have not only knives, but also guns. _3

But he knew that these flesh and blood bodies could not possibly be the extraterrestrial's targets. To kill him, his golden pupils would have to be destroyed. Therefore, the native was secretly mustering all his strength to prevent that fatal attack.

As long as he survived this wave, the extraterrestrial's body would self-destruct.


Never before had he experienced such agony, every bone in his upper body was fractured to varying degrees.

Li Huazhao involuntarily clenched his teeth, resisting the pain an ordinary person couldn't endure, while Yu Liang had seconds earlier severed the pain feedbacks. He didn't want to experience it first-hand.

The speed of this Blade Storm greatly exceeded any before, thus Li Huazhao felt exhilaration like never before.

Previously, he had to be mindful of Yu Liang's physical limits, but now he could disregard life and death to fight.