Chapter 296 Humans Can't Imagine This Situation -_2

Some of the egg-born human bodies have completely decomposed and are embedded in the egg fluid, resembling a pot of corpse water. Some egg-born are showing signs of drying out, with partial limbs dehydrated, much like mummified corpses.

What they all have in common is that microbial "feasting" deprives their bodies of most energy, leaving no possibility of recycling or reusing them.

Even so, Yu Liang is hesitant to pool these egg-born back into the [Collective]. He fears that he might not withstand the competition against egg-born accession and would become a mere tool of the [Collective].

According to Li Huazhao, this egg-born nursery is at the intersection of the world of horror tales and the copies. Neither the whistle beasts nor the original people can break into it. But these microbes are now barging in, eroding the eggs stored inside.

From this perspective, isn't it all too visible who the root of all horror tales is?