Chapter 299: What's a Paratrooping System War Wolf! _3

"Of course, I am supposed to guard 'the author,' but clearly, you're not Yu Liang since I can't detect my mark on you," Zhong Chen said straightforwardly.

"Fine," Li Huazhao managed to hold his temper without saying much and chose to walk obediently from then on.

Looking at Zhong Chen who stood a bit taller than him, Li Huazhao felt irritated.

But he was no longer the naive Li Huazhao he once was, so he decided to prove himself before expressing his dissatisfaction.

Currently, there were two body cultivators in the universe. If Li Huazhao wanted to gain more say, he naturally had to demonstrate his martial prowess; relying on credentials and historical contributions just wouldn't cut it.

Only those whose abilities have declined need to rely on their credentials!

And he was by no means a spent force!

With this driving him, Li Huazhao scanned his surroundings, eager to find an opponent in the base that would allow him to prove his abilities.