Chapter 307: Pathway to Becoming a Writer - "I Killed the Master

"In a certain sense, you can address me as-"

"The Creator."

When Yu Liang said this, his face was calm and natural, as if he had stated a trivial fact.

However, deep inside he felt-

So good, it feels so good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good!

Playing god feels so great!

Especially now, some whims and coincidences have finally earned him the title of "The Creator", revered by these whistle beasts.

Now he can appreciate some of Li Huazhao's fun when messing around. The feeling of being surrounded by these whistle beasts is like waking up to find oneself on a high platform built by the crowd, passionately presenting political ideas and imparting the concept of the land belonging to the tiller.

No man could resist such a scenario. Yu Liang wasn't overly eager, but he still felt exhilarated.

Of course, he was typically calm, and his current expression was completely composed, not letting the whistle beasts detect any changes in him.