Chapter 57: Fighting for Life

Meng Guan's decision to stay in Immortal City.

When Wei Fan first found out, he actually found it difficult to understand.

He also tried to persuade him.


When Meng Guan told Wei Fan what was in his heart, Wei Fan fell silent.

"Wei, from the moment I left Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion three years ago, my fate was already set: either fight to the death to successfully achieve Foundation Establishment, or fall on the road to Foundation Establishment. There's no other way."

"I'm a Five Spirits Roots cultivator, unlike you with your four spirits roots talent. If I follow the normal course of cultivation, I'd be able to get a glimpse of the Foundation Establishment Realm before turning sixty."

"Although not using the Foundation Establishment Elixir to forcefully break through would make the probability of breaking through to Foundation Establishment very low, it gives me, a Five Spirits Roots cultivator, that little bit more chance of achieving Foundation Establishment."