Chapter 100: Deal Concluded

Faced with such a sudden favor, He Song's eyes were filled with alertness right away.

This person.

What exactly does he want to do?

Round-off from the opposite direction?

Does he intend to curry favor with me in exchange for a small kindness while he has the chance?

But why should he?

I have done nothing more than sell some spirit rice; what is there to curry favor with?

The more than 22,000 jin of spirit rice is only the yield of a ten-acre spirit field for two years, by any measure, it's not much.

Moreover, Jiang Jun in front of me does not need to pay for these 2,000 spirit stones.

The spirit stones to purchase such spirit rice and spirit medicine are all paid by the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion.

The reason for Jiang Jun's visit was simply to handle the transaction once, these spirit stones have nothing to do with him.


Why does Jiang Jun want to raise the price slightly?

What is his intention?
