Chapter 108: Moving House

No one wants to be unexpectedly scanned by someone's divine sense.

Once encountering such a situation, most of the time, if there isn't a significant gap in their cultivation level, the outcome would be life-and-death struggle.

As a Foundation Establishment cultivator and a Master of the Thick Earth Sect, Master Cheng Shan naturally understood this.

Therefore, he wouldn't casually use his divine sense to probe everything.

Thus, even if He Song chose a courtyard closer to Master Cheng Shan, he didn't have to worry about his secrets being discovered.

But, just in case, and for the sake of caution, He Song still chose a courtyard that was not within range of Master Cheng Shan's divine sense.

Only in this way,

could He Song's secret remain safe even if there was a slim chance of its exposure.

He, who was naturally cautious, would naturally make the best choice for himself.