Chapter 126: Punishing the Evil and Removing the Wicked

To earn more spirit stones with the identity of an Array Path Master.

And to receive a generous annual salary with the identity of a Thick Earth Sect outer disciple.

With these steps.

He Song's spirit stones will definitely keep increasing, and eventually, he might not even need to worry about the price of what he wants to buy.

However, this is just a thought.

In the Cultivation World, many truly good things are priceless.

Either you have to barter.

Or to snatch them by force.

It is not very likely to use spirit stones to buy truly precious items.

Moreover, most of the people who can become outer disciples of the Thick Earth Sect are cultivators with three spirit roots.

The cultivation speed of those with three spirit roots is much faster than that of He Song, who has four spirit roots, and they even have a greater chance of breaking through to the Foundation Establishment stage.