Chapter 131: Sudden Change

However, even though He Song now had a solid background, his personal strength was not weak either.

But when he used the Mountain Wind Riding Skill, he always kept himself close to the treeline, or sprinted across flat ground.

He hovered above the ground, always no more than a few meters high.

He didn't move flamboyantly through mid-air.

In this way, he could reduce the chance of being discovered, while also making his advance more covert.

So, in case of any sudden situations, he would have more reaction time.

His form threaded through the treeline, He Song's gaze swept over the forests that constantly receded around him. As he felt the strong wind that faced him, there was a sense of thrill in his heart.

The Wind Riding Skill.

Outdoes the Light Body Skill.

It's far more practical.

The Light Body Skill, only makes the body lighter, allowing rapid dashes on the ground.

But the Wind Riding Skill? Manipulating the wind, it allows one to hover in mid-air for a long time.