Chapter 146: Second Foundation Establishment

As Meng Guan was a Foundation Establishment Master, he noticed He Song the moment he arrived.

Therefore, he was able to open the door and invite him in before He Song even had the chance to knock.

Entering the courtyard.

The three of them paid their respects and then sat down.

Under the thick aroma of tea, they began to catch up.

It had been two years since they last met, but their faces remained the same. A sense of familiarity washed over He Song as they exchanged glances.

This familiarity quickly put He Song at ease, and he began to share his experiences over the past two years with the two of them.


He changed the purpose of opening his spirit field to seeking opportunities instead.

Sometimes, blending truth with lies can create the best deception.

In the Cultivation World.

Too many Qi-refining late stage, Qi Refining great perfection, and even Foundation Establishment cultivators grow old over time.

Before they die, they might squander their entire fortune.