Chapter 152: Cries to Heaven Go Unanswered

Once He Song could set up a small Spirit-Gathering Array, it meant that the concentration of spirit Qi he could enjoy would be greatly increased.

Being in a small Spirit-Gathering Array, the concentration of spirit Qi would definitely be higher than in the small courtyard he currently lived in.

As a result, He Song's cultivation speed would also be greatly improved.

Opening a cave mansion outside and setting up a small Spirit-Gathering Array to accelerate his own Cultivation was something He Song had planned long ago.

Now that he thought about it again, it was because he was more eager to advance to the Foundation Establishment stage and gain the ability to protect himself.

This Thick Earth Sect... wasn't as peaceful as he had thought before.

He pondered for a long time in the small courtyard.

He Song took a step forward and walked straight towards the outside of the Thick Earth Sect.