Chapter 167: Great Fortune

Upon hearing this, He Song and Meng Guan immediately shook their heads and laughed.

They originally thought that there was some reason why Wei Fan hadn't given himself a dharma title in five years.

However, as soon as they asked, Wei Fan already spoke out the dharma title he had thought of long ago.

He had already thought of this dharma title.

Were they just waiting for the two of them to ask?

Nevertheless, considering that Wei Fan still cherished their friendship and even included them in his dharma title, He Song and Meng Guan exchanged glances and saw a touch of emotion in each other's eyes.

Master Cheng Fu, this dharma title.

The implied meaning behind it represents the mutual assistance of their small circle.

"Alright, alright, let's continue to call each other as we used to. As for the dharma title of Master Cheng Fu, as long as you know it's me when someone mentions it in the future, that's enough."