Chapter 184: A Year Later

Just like that.

Another year passed in the blink of an eye.

During this year.

He Song became more and more proficient in the Arrow God Thorn. In the end, he even managed to practice it to the point where he could use it casually without losing any of its power.

Indeed, the cultivation of the Arrow God Thorn was quite difficult.

Counting the time.

It took He Song a full two and a half years to finally master the Arrow God Thorn to the point where he could use it casually without losing any of its power.

According to He Song's original estimate, he would only need about two years to cultivate various techniques of the Foundation Establishment Realm after reaching it.

For simpler ones, such as the Blood Escape Skill, it would only take a year and a half.

However, it took He Song a full two and a half years to completely master the Arrow God Thorn.