Chapter 189 Master's Generous Reward

This was a reward from Master Fa Xuan.

Although He Song didn't know the exact value, he was sure it wouldn't be small.

On the way to the Thick Earth Sect's treasure vault.

He Song didn't use the Blood Escape Skill.

He kept in mind his current status.

Right now, he was still just a cultivator who had just broken through to the Foundation Establishment stage, without having learned any Foundation Establishment techniques.

If he used the Blood Escape Skill, it would immediately arouse suspicion from other Foundation Establishment masters.

Wouldn't that spoil all his plans?

Moreover, it would attract suspicion for no reason.

There would be more loss than gain.

Under these circumstances, He Song still used the Mountain Wind Riding Skill, just like a Qi Refining cultivator, and headed towards the treasure vault of the Thick Earth Sect with a light body.

In no time.

He Song appeared at the foot of the main peak of the Thick Earth Sect.