Chapter 203: Soul Searching Skill (5000-word long chapter) _3

But the opportunity was right in front of him, and Fang Yu could no longer care about these matters.

After being valued by a Foundation Establishment Master and appointed as Supervisor of the Immortal Pavilion, Fang Yu felt that he had reached the peak of his life at this moment.

At this moment, Fang Yu couldn't care less about anything else.

He was completely immersed in the joy of being valued by a Master.

With Fang Yu expressing his gratitude continuously,

He Song waved his hand slightly.

Then he collected all the lifeless puppets lying on the ground into his storage bag.

Storage bags couldn't hold living things.

But these puppets were not alive.

So they could be stored.

After doing all this, He Song waved his hand, indicating for Fang Yu and the others to leave.

Then he turned around and led Ping'er and Chu Shuangshuang into the mansion for the second time.

As the mansion's door closed,

The inside of the mansion and the outside world were again separated.