Chapter 206: Killing and Searching the Corpse (5000 Words Chapter)

It had already been four years since He Song left the Thick Earth Sect's mountain gate.

During the ten years he spent in the sect's mountain gate, he would usually leave the sect once a year to harvest the spirit rice from these spirit fields.

And replenish the spirit stones in the areas where the spirit fields were located.


He Song hadn't replenished their spirit stones for four years.

When He Song found this place and revealed his head from the dark, looking around with guarded eyes.

He discovered that the formations in the area had long since failed, and the spirit fields he had planted in the valley had been destroyed beyond recognition.

His eyes swept across the destroyed spirit fields before him.

He Song sighed in his heart.

As expected.

The formations recorded in the "Array Tao Introduction," whether it's the Miniature Spirit Gathering Array, Illusion Array, or Five Phases Array, all require a change of spirit stones every year.