Chapter 229: Nascent Soul Upper Sect

Only those who were looking up at the sky noticed something abnormal in the sky and cast their puzzled gazes.

However, under the cover of the aqua blue escape light, hardly anyone could detect He Song's figure.

He proceeded all the way.

Although He Song's cultivation had reached the mid-stage Foundation Establishment, his speed was extremely fast when using the Blood Escape Skill.

Even so, it still took him several days to finally arrive at the border between the Pure Yin Sect and the Sun Faction.

It is worth mentioning that, since this departure from the Thick Earth Sect was to open up a hidden cave mansion and find a way out for himself, He Song did not use the spirit boat to travel.

The spirit boat was too conspicuous, and it would easily expose He Song's whereabouts.

However, by using the Blood Escape Skill under the condition that the color of tunneling light was aqua blue, He Song's trail was not easily detectable.