Chapter 246: The Art of Elixir Refinement

Smooth journey all the way.

Returning to Herbs Immortal Workshop.

After glancing at Yu'er, who was still crawling in the pool, He Song turned around and entered the Elixir Refinement Room.

Today, he had harvested a large number of mature spirit medicines and had also purchased many materials to refine Beasts Elixir.


It's time to challenge Elixir Refinement Skill and let himself be able to refine Foundation Establishment Spirit Elixirs as soon as possible.

Waiting to be able to refine Foundation Establishment Spirit Elixirs in the future, He Song would then go and purchase some auxiliary medicines, and start using the spirit medicines he had just harvested to refine Foundation Establishment Spirit Elixirs.

Earth Spirit Ginseng, Green Spirit Fruit, Exorcism Flower.

These main medicines are quite valuable and are used to refine Foundation Establishment Spirit Elixirs.

Once the Foundation Establishment Spirit Elixirs are refined, their price will naturally be high.