Chapter 252: Late Foundation Establishment Stage

Meng Guan and Wei Fan were telling various interesting events in the Heaven Power Immortal City.

Master Bai Yun and Master Xuan He also frequently chimed in, so He Song got to know more about this Heaven Power Immortal City.

And He Song, when he in the mood, would occasionally talk about his experiences at the Herbs Immortal Workshop.

The group of five had a harmonious atmosphere.

As their conversations continued, He Song began to understand why Meng Guan and Wei Fan were able to report to the Sect Leader and had him transferred here.

He had wondered about this when he first met them.

Master Bai Yun, Master Xuan He, Meng Guan, and Wei Fan between them held all the four major guardian positions in Heaven Power Immortal City.

In an immortal city, there could be at most four Masters in the mid-stage of Foundation Establishment serving as guardians.

But what about now?

When He Song arrived, there were already four guardians here.