Chapter 255: Injustice

"A gentleman judges actions, not the intentions in heart. We are now entrusted to guard the Heaven Power Immortal City and are free from danger. We don't need to worry about fighting to death."

"Of course, we will not betray the sect either."

"If it comes to the moment when everything is about to collapse, our actions are blameless."

"But for now, we must continue to guard this Heaven Power Immortal City."

"As long as we are still in the Heaven Power Immortal City, who can say we don't consider the faction's interest?"

Having shared his thoughts on initiates who joined halfway and those with a formal inheritance, He Song looked at the other two, wanting to see their reactions.

He had mentally prepared for the difference in treatment between the two categories of cultivators.

It was not a novelty.

Who could truly trust someone who wasn't raised from a young age by themselves?