Chapter 260: Transfer of Power

These were merely words of formal courtesy.

If He Song indeed chose not to give gifts, the situation might have turned awkward.

If Master Bai Yun truly declined to accept, the matter could have as well become uncomfortable.


Knowing what the gift represented, though the two spoke polite words, their hearts were clear as a mirror.

They just did not bring the topic to the surface, using these words for mere formalities instead.

As the two proceeded on their way.

More and more cultivators with close relations to Master Bai Yun saw the two travel together, engaged in pleasant conversation.

Noticing this scenario, these people politely greeted He Song and Master Bai Yun, who naturally wouldn't neglect them in response.

Once they passed by everyone,

Almost everybody had seen them enjoy their friendly conversation.

The two then entered the backyard.

Whenever there's a transition of power,

A sense of security needs to be given to those below.