Chapter 262: Changes within the Demon Sect

Operating the Thick Earth Formulas, He Song continuously absorbed the spiritual Qi from the surroundings and transformed it into his own mana.

He sighed in his heart.

"In the past, a single spirit stone was begrudgingly spent, always feeling like there were not enough."

"Now, it's good."

"Only a small change in status gives me more than ten thousand spirit stones every year."

"In the past, I wouldn't even dare to think about it."

"However, my cultivation has also improved from the Qi Refining stage to the Foundation Establishment Realm now, so this difference is acceptable."

"If I still worry about a few spirit stones after reaching the Foundation Establishment, then I'm not cultivating immortality."

After the lament, He Song sensed the surging mana within his body and a hint of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

The change in status indeed brought significant benefits to He Song.

Although his cultivation at the Mid-stage Foundation Establishment wasn't too high,