Chapter 282: Eight Years Later

"Fellow Daoist, I already left the Eight-vein Immortal City a few days ago."

"The Li Family broke their promises. They agreed on the surface, but were secretly plotting something."

"Now they have been exterminated by my entire clan."

"Fortunately, I previously listened to your advice and learned the Soul Searching Skill in the Book Collection Pavilion of my sect."

"It is precisely because of this skill that I was able to detect the Li Family's treacherous ambitions."

"When it was time to take action, the opportunity they promised me, as well as the location of their family treasures, were all in my hands."

"Otherwise, even if the Li Family betrayed me, I could only sigh with regret and be helpless."

"Fellow Daoist, you really helped me greatly. As you said, the Soul Searching Skill is indeed an essential skill when traveling outside."

"The old man of the Li Family enjoyed the taste of the Soul Searching Skill before his death, which was truly satisfying."