Chapter 332: 5 Years Later

The Golden Spirit Fruit Tree was incredibly huge.

Standing below its crown, He Song couldn't help but feel insignificant.

However, after sensing the surging mana within his body, he looked at the Golden Spirit Fruit Tree with calm eyes.

It was just a tree, after all.

With his current Late Foundation Establishment cultivation, he could probably knock it down in an instant.

Although the tree's size was enormous, it posed no threat to him.

With this thought in mind, He Song released his divine sense, enveloping the entire Golden Spirit Fruit Tree.

Soon after, a ripe Golden Spirit Fruit fell from the tree's crown, appearing before him.

The immature Golden Spirit Fruit was silver-white with specks of golden light.

Once matured, it turned completely gold, with no trace of silver.

It resembled Master Yin Yue's Golden Elixir from before.

However, without the flickering golden glow within, it wasn't as visually appealing as a Golden Elixir.