Chapter 335: Priceless Value

As He Song looked at Master Luo Jing in front of him, he smiled at her and then respectfully replied.

"Indeed, it's been a long time. After many years, I've finally managed to break through to the Late Foundation Establishment Stage. Master Luo Jing, your praise is unwarranted."

As he spoke, a hint of melancholy flashed across He Song's face at an appropriate moment.

It seemed that he was not satisfied with his cultivation progress.

In the eyes of others.

He Song's cultivation had stagnated in the Mid-stage Foundation Establishment for as long as thirty-seven years.

After thirty-seven years, he finally broke through to the Late Foundation Establishment Stage.

Although it took three years less than the usual forty years for an ordinary cultivator to break through.

But it must be noted.

It only took He Song more than twenty years to break through from Foundation Establishment Early Stage to Mid-stage Foundation Establishment.