Chapter 345: Seclusive Cultivation

He Song had been staying in the valley for several days and noticed that no one seemed to be pursuing him.

As a result, his impression of the Treasure Pavilion became even better.

After leaving the White Egret Immortal City,

He Song traveled directly, quickly returning to the Golden Elixir Array near the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion.

Inside the Golden Elixir Array,

He Song secluded himself for cultivation again.

This time, before leaving the Golden Elixir Array, he had completely dealt with the three matters at hand.

What followed was to continuously enhance his cultivation and become stronger.


Time passed slowly,

with the years going by.

Inside his quiet room, He Song was sitting cross-legged, and streaks of spirit Qi kept rushing towards him from all directions.

With the operation of Thick Earth Formulas within him, He Song continuously refined the spirit Qi around him and converted it into his own mana.