Chapter 355: Fierce Battle


As He Song continued to manipulate the White Jade Boat, his figure arrived at the place where he initially built the secret Immortal Pavilion.

This place was a stone mountain, carefully chosen by He Song just like the Pure Yin Sect, surrounded by mountains and forests, with a quiet and peaceful environment.

Usually, there are almost no cultivators passing by, and no one is interested in such a desolate place.

However, the place used to be a beautiful landscape back then.

When He Song came here today, he was shocked by the scene before him for a moment.

When He Song reached the sky above this place.

He saw the stone mountain that he had initially built his secret cave mansion had turned into a huge deep pit.

Surrounding the deep pit.

There were traces left by battle after battle.

He Song even saw piles of white bones and fragments of broken Artifacts around the deep pit.

Looking over the tragic scene before him, He Song's face darkened.