Chapter 381: Killing Foundation Establishment

Upon witnessing this scene, He Song felt an inward sense of caution.


Fortunately, after reaching the Late Foundation Establishment Stage, the top-quality defensive Artifact he chose was a Vajra Shield, which, once activated, could provide all-round protection to himself.

Otherwise, if one day he encountered the same kind of attack, he might die without even having the chance to react, just like this Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Of course, the main reason behind this strike successfully killing a Late Foundation Establishment Master was due to the overwhelming power of the Golden Elixir Array.

It was known that if a Golden Elixir Array was supported by a sufficiently powerful cultivation base and a large amount of spirit stone consumption, it could withstand the existence of a Golden Elixir Master.

Although the Divine Thunder Array was not specifically designed for attack, its power certainly couldn't match up to those arrays entirely dedicated to attacking.