Chapter 389: Huge Harvest

Even in times of prosperity, houses and residences like the ones before him.

Could also be reduced to nothingness in an instant.

Just like the Foundation Establishment Clan in front of him.

After the death of the Master within the clan.

Even though nothing would happen for a short while.

But as time goes by, when outsiders knew that the Master of the family had passed away.

The catastrophe would happen.

As for the things in the treasure vaults of the Four Big Foundation Establishment Families.

It's better to be taken by oneself rather than falling into the hands of Loose Cultivators.

After all.

Since he had killed the Master of the Four Clans.

The spoils in their treasure vaults were naturally his own.

After being cautious of himself, He Song stretched out his divine sense and quickly sensed it within the family of Master Lie Feng.

Soon, He Song found an ordinary-looking girl in a room.

This girl had no Spirit Root, so she couldn't cultivate to become stronger.