Chapter 416: Meng Guan, Wei Fan

The spirit fire consumed little and was extremely stable, allowing it to cause more damage to the Array Skill before them.

Once the two noticed this point, they quickly found a balance.

To dissipate the Array Skill before them as soon as possible, continuous attacks were necessary.

After exploring for a while, the two quickly made a choice.

One used the spirit fire on the Array Skill.

The other took this opportunity to recover mana.

Once mana had been restored, they swapped roles.

In the past five years, this was how the two had spent their time.

Their purpose was to naturally dissipate the Array Skill before them as soon as possible while obtaining any opportunities that lay inside.

By employing this method, even if He Song had been in their shoes, he probably wouldn't have found any problems with it.

Meng Guan and Wei Fan had no knowledge of Array Skills.

Their understanding of Array Skills wasn't on the same level as He Song's.