Chapter 427: Temporary Farewell to Old Friends

The distance to the nearest Eight-Vein Immortal City was only about an hour's journey.

It could be said that for He Song, this place could also be considered a good location to establish a cave mansion.


This place was close to the border of the Sun Faction and its battlefield with the Righteous Alliance and the Demonic Alliance was very close.

Although this place was within the sphere of influence of the Sun Faction, if the Sun Faction and God Locking Sect were to fight in the future, this place might also become a new battlefield.

Therefore, although He Song thought that the area near the Flying Cloud Immortal Mansion was a good place for him to build his Golden Elixir Cave Mansion, after some deliberation, he eventually abandoned the idea of building a Golden Elixir Cave Mansion here.

This place was not quite safe, so he was afraid that he would have to go deeper into the Sun Faction's territory to build his own Golden Elixir Cave Mansion.
