Chapter 448: Unexpected Treasure_2

However, there were indeed countless people who had seen him from a distance.

And now, the evil cultivator who was captured by He Song just happened to have seen Master Yun Hua from afar many years ago.

With just one glance, he recognized the person in front of him as one of the few Foundation Establishment Masters in Green Mountain Immortal City, the Li Family Master, Master Yun Hua.

Moreover, Master Yun Hua at this moment, although still wearing a luxurious robe, had an appalling state of his body.

Master Yun Hua's abdomen had a bowl-sized hole that ran straight through it, with his internal organs and skin vanished without a trace.

The man's face was as pale as paper, and his lifeless eyes stared blankly at the sky.

If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of his chest, anyone would believe him dead if they were told so.

It was hard to imagine what exactly had happened to Master Yun Hua that he had fallen from his peak to this lowly state in an instant.