Chapter 459: Encountering Pursuit and Killing_2

As Master Zi Shan's voice suddenly came, his figure also fiercely emerged from the Treasure Pavilion, heading directly towards the location of the Black-Robe Golden Elixir.

At this moment, Master Zi Shan's pair of purple eyes was particularly eye-catching in the night.

This was an outward manifestation of a miraculous Pupil Skill he had cultivated.

It was precisely because of this Pupil Skill that Master Zi Shan was able to detect the existence of the Black-Robe Golden Elixir with his eyes.

With a cold snort from Master Zi Shan.

Off in the distance, several figures of Golden Elixir Masters were heading straight towards here.

For a moment, many Golden Elixir Masters, led by Master Zi Shan, started their onslaught on the Black-Robe Golden Elixir.

Although Master Zi Shan had not previously found the existence of the Black-Robe Golden Elixir, how could he just casually abandon the issue that was related to his life and possessions?